Welcome to Rabbimoshewalter.com

Making Halachah, Minhag, and Psak come alive.

Image of Rabbi Moshe Walter giving a Shuir (Audio Torah Lecture)

Rabbimoshewalter.com is the home of a comprehensive collection of shiurim, articles, and Halachic insights by Rabbi Moshe Walter - almost 1000 Shiurim and counting!

Image of Rabbi Moshe Walter giving a Shuir (Audio Torah Lecture)
About Rabbi Walter
Alternate Head Shot Of Rabbi Moshe WalterHeadshot Photo of Rabbi Moshe Walter

Rabbi Moshe Walter serves as the Rav of Woodside Synagogue Ahavas Torah in Silver Spring, MD. The Executive Director of the Rabbinical Council of Greater Washington, he is responsible for Kashrus, Beis Din, and other vital communal matters. In the summer, Rabbi Walter serves as Mara D'asra of Oorah's camp, TheZone.

Rabbi Walter lectures widely and delivers engaging shiurim on a wide range of topics in Halachah and Aggadah. Popular for their depth, content, and clarity of presentation, many of Rabbi Walter's shiurim may be found online. Rabbi Walter is the author of three popular halachic titles published by Feldheim: The Making of a Halachic Decision – The Laws and Parameters of P'sak Halachah; The Making of a Minhag – The Laws and Parameters of Jewish Customs; and The Making of a Mentsch – The Laws and Parameters of Interpersonal Mitzvos. Rabbi Walter has published widely and has contributed to many well-known Torah journals.

Rabbi Walter's shiurim, drashos, articles, and books are now conveniently available to you in one place: rabbimoshewalter.com. We hope you will benefit from the website.



(And Counting)


Series of Shiurim


Articles and Maarei Mekomos

(And Counting)

You can find Rabbi Walter's Shiurim on all of the biggest podcast platforms:

Link to Rabbi Walter's Spotify page.Link to Rabbi Walter's Apple Podcasts page.Icon - Youtube. Link to Rabbi Walter's Youtube page.Icon - YUTorah Online. Link to Rabbi Walter's "YUTorah Online" page.
Latest Posts

Drinking, Damaging, Masquerading & Merrymaking: The Joy of Purim

The Making of the


The history, development, and Halachos of the Siddur.

Releasing Fall 2025!

Making of a Siddur Book Cover image.
Feldheim Published Sefarim

The Making of a


The laws and parameters of Jewish Customs

Making of a Minhag Book Cover Image

The Making of a


The laws and parameters of Interpersonal Mitzvos

Making of a Mentsch Book Cover image.

The Making of a

Halachic Decision

The laws and parameters of P’sak Halacha

Making of a Halachic Decision Book Cover image.

The Making of the


The history, development, and Halachos of the Siddur.

Making of a Siddur Book Cover image.

Releasing Fall 2025!

Contact Rabbi Walter


Contact Rabbi Walter

Reach out to ask a Shayla, inquire about a speaking engagement, share website feedback, or to just say hi.

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